
EDUcreator Club Newsletter

Helping educators create and grow brands to promote a product or idea they want to share with others to better education. Tips, tricks, and resources for educators creating content and/or launching side hustles to share their passions.

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Consider getting these 4 routines in place.

Hey Reader, This stuff is hard. Whether you're launching a side hustle or growing a business, or even just starting to dabble in the world of content creation or entrepreneurship, this journey can be lonely, stressful, and take a toll on your mental and physical health. I've been starting and growing businesses for over 20 years now, and to say I have forgotten about my health from time to time would be the understatement of the decade. It's tough - when you love what you're doing, when...

Hey Reader, We've been running Teach Better for 9 years now...almost 10. We have tried a lot of tools. Like, A LOT. Some have been great, others have been terrible, and a few have stuck with us for the whole journey so far. Our team is fully virtual and has been since day one, so organization and communication have been crucial the entire time. Tools that allow us to collaborate on projects, keep tasks and appointments on track, and allow us to stay connected, are the ones that have lasted....

Hey Reader, I was having a conversation with a mentor of mine this past week. We ended up deep diving into the complexities of business financials. Now, he has had multiple 7-figure exits that required extensive reports and extremely detailed financial analysis, so it was interesting when we got to the 3 simple financial questions I've shared often with new side hustlers/entrepreneurs. The reality is, while understanding your balance sheets, knowing what a general ledger is, etc, are all...

Hey Reader, I know this is not the day I usually send emails, but this is a special "bonus" email. I was recently honored to join Darrin Peppard on his "Leaning Into Leadership" podcast and I wanted to share the episode with you. Darrin is a member of our MBA Mastermind Program, and one of the original Founding members of our EDUcreator Club+ Community. Along side being an experience educator and educational leader, Darrin has also built an impressive educational consulting/training business....

Hey Reader, I wanted to take a super simple, short-and-sweet approach to this week's email. I don't usually do "short" very well, so here we go. Regardless of what you're trying to build - a new side hustle, a full-time hustle, a movement, etc - there are 4 types of social media posts/tweets/videos you should be creating. Awareness Posts: Make people aware of the problem you solve. Elaboration Posts: Dive deeper into the problem. Make them really feel it and connect to you around it....

Hey Reader, So you've been building a list and growing your audience, and now you've put together your first product to sell to them. You're at the point that stops most people in their tracks....figuring out how much to charge! It's a decision that seems to get every one of us in our heads, questioning everything. We have seen it make talented people who have created super valuable products, flat-out panic because they get so stuck trying to figure out the price. So, how do we avoid this...

Hey Reader, This stuff is hard. There, I said it. I know I've said it before somewhere, and I'm certain you have thought it, but the reality is, this thing you're trying to's hard. And sometimes, it's really hard. Whether you're launching a side hustle, building a business, or still trying to figure out what your creator and/or entrepreneurial venture is going to be, the journey can be lonely, challenging, frustrating, stressful, and can feel downright impossible at times. This is...

Hey Reader, One of the most important skills I've had to learn as an entrepreneur is being able to identify luck versus skill. Unfortunately, this is also one of the hardest things to get good at. Before we go any further, I want to note that just because I recognize its importance and difficulty, absolutely does not mean I have figured it all out. I will be working on this forever, and so will you. It's human nature to want to feel comfortable, to lean into things that feel good. Because of...

Hey Reader, A good friend of mine, who is also a mentor of mine, once asked a group of us, "What are you building - a job, a business, or an exit?"That question has stuck with me ever since, although I have added to it a little:What are you building - a job, a business, an exit, a passion project, or a side hustle?Although there are a lot of similarities in what we create, how we market, and maybe even in our missions and visions, all of our goals and dreams are unique to us.Just because...

Hey Reader, Have you started your side hustle yet? We created this newsletter as a resource for educators growing a side hustle, building a business, or starting a movement. But we also created it for people who are just thinking about maybe starting a side hustle. If you fall into that last category, one of the roadblocks you may run into is "how do I even get started?" or "What should my side hustle be?" So today I wanted to share 4 exercises you can do to find some clarity and get started....