What are you building?

Hey Reader,

A good friend of mine, who is also a mentor of mine, once asked a group of us, "What are you building - a job, a business, or an exit?"

That question has stuck with me ever since, although I have added to it a little:
What are you building - a job, a business, an exit, a passion project, or a side hustle?

Although there are a lot of similarities in what we create, how we market, and maybe even in our missions and visions, all of our goals and dreams are unique to us.

Just because someone else in this community aims to build a massive business with the goal of being able to sell it one day and retire off that sale (an exit), does not mean that you need to be focused on the same goal.

At the same time, just because someone is working on spreading a message that fuels them with passion, and doesn't care whether it ever makes them any money, does not mean you are wrong for wanting to monetize your work.

The reality is: there is no one right answer to the question.

However, it is still an important question for you to answer, because different answers can lead to different focuses, different strategies, and different suggestions from the people you turn to for support.

So...what are YOU building? Well, first off, what do I mean by each?

A Side Hustle
Something that provides you with either a creative outlet or some additional income, or both. You do the work in your spare time while maintaining a different job as your primary source of income, and may not have any intention of your side hustle growing to a point where it can support you financially.

Your goal could be just to generate some extra income to pay off debt, or save for college, or take care of an annual vacation. It doesn't need to grow too large, because it's just something on the side, and that's okay.

A Job
Your business takes care of you financially, but still requires you to do X many hours of work in order to generate Y amount of money. If you stop doing the work, the money stops coming in.

You've built something success but you essentially have a really nice job. You're the boss, you have flexibility, and for a lot of entrepreneurs, this is the life. Whenever you decide to stop doing the work, you shut it down and that's that.

A Business
This one requires you to build that really nice job first, but now it operates with or without you - where your time and energy are (eventually) not necessary to generate income.

Typically this will involved building a team of some sort - whether it be employees or contractors, but could also be systems and automations that allow the work to continue with little to no dependency on you.

An Exit
When you build a business to a point where someone either buys it from you, or you transition out of it and someone else in the company (or possibly all the employees) takes over in exchange for some form of income to you.

It can look a lot of different ways, but it ends with you no longer working in, or owning, the thing you're building, and hopefully being able to retire. (if you want to)

A Passion Project
Something that brings you immense joy and/or furthers a mission or cause you believe in, but that you don't really care whether it generates any income for yourself. It's all about the work, the projects, the cause, the impact. If it makes money, great, but that's not the reason you're building it.

Regardless of what goal you have for the work you do, thinking through what you're building can help you answer a lot questions, such as:

  • "how much should I be investing into this?"
  • "do I need to hire people?"
  • "what kind of revenue goals should I have?"
  • "how should I structure things?"
  • etc, etc, etc.

Here's the kicker - Your answer to this can change.

Today, it might be a side hustle to fund that vacation, but in 3 years it might generate enough income for you to do it full-time.

Right now, you might want a team that keeps things going while you travel, but in 5 years it may end up being more about the passion than the money.

You could be thinking that you want to build something that eventually gets you that 7-figure exit, but after doing it for a year or two, decide you actually just love the work and it should stay a side hustle.

There is no right answer and there is no permanent answer. BUT, there is a current answer, and whatever the current answer is for you, should inform the decisions you make.

Take some time and ask yourself what you're building. I'd love to hear your answer - hit 'reply' and let me know.

I hope this helps
- Jeff & The Teach Better Team

🎧 What we're listening to:

⚡️Things to Check Out

✅ 3 steps to write messages that people will enjoy reading

  • Prepare: You don't need to prepare if you’re writing for yourself, but writing for others is different. You’re unaware of what others know or think.
  • Simplify: Complicated words and complex sentences use more brain resources than simple ones. When your reader is tired and low on brain resources, it is difficult to understand complicated communication.
  • Run a garbage collector: There might be plenty of words that do not add any important information, the fewer words you have the less processing power is needed to understand the message.
  • 👉 Read the full article here.

💡 How AI Changes the Work of SEO

  • AI has had a significant impact on the content and SEO ecosystem, with machine-generated content challenging human-written content in terms of quality.
  • As a result, SEOs are shifting towards building automated AI workflows and learning new skills with the help of AI, while writers are focusing more on editing and curating AI-generated content to bring it from good to great.
  • 👉 Read the full article here.

🤖 Meta's Llama 3.1 takes on GPT-4o

  • Meta released Llama 3.1, including it’s long awaited 405B paramater model — the first open sourced frontier model that beats top closed models like GPT-4o across several benchmarks.
  • The 405B parameter version of Llama 3.1 matches or exceeds top closed models on several benchmarks.
  • Meta is offering open and free weights and code, with a license enabling fine-tuning, distillation into other models, and deployment anywhere.
  • Llama 3.1 features a 128k context length, multi-lingual abilities, strong code generation performance, and complex reasoning capabilities.
  • 👉 Read the full article here.


EDUcreator Club+ Community

A Community for Educators Who create

The EDUcreator Club+ Membership gives you access to a community of educators who create content, products, and services to help others increase their impact. The EDUcreator Club+ Membership was built to provide a space for learning, growing, and supporting each other.

Creating & building can get lonely sometimes. Don't do it alone.

What's included:

  • Private Community: An active community with hundreds of posts and conversations where educators come together to request feedback, collaborate on new ideas, and support each other as we all work to create and share content that provides value to others.
  • Exclusive Events: Join exclusive events, designed to provide you with relevant information and access to world-class content creators and creator economy experts.

Curated Content & Resources: We're curating the best tools, resources, and opportunities related to creating valuable content. Inside, you'll find community challenges, self-paced courses, discounted resources, and more, all easily accessible to you!

The EDUcreator Club Newsletter is made possible by our awesome partners. Please consider supporting them. Note: While we may receive a small affiliate fee for any purchases made via the below link, we will never recommend a product, service, or brand we do not believe in.


Designing a Community Engagement Strategy

Have Chat GPT design a community engagement strategy for your company, brand, or content efforts.


Design a community engagement strategy by first identifying the key interests and needs of your [target audience]. Create a content plan that addresses these interests and promotes active participation. Use multiple channels for outreach and maintain consistent, authentic interactions. Measure engagement through metrics and adjust strategies based on feedback and performance. How will you tailor your approach to build a vibrant, engaged community?

Target audience: [Insert here]


Design a community engagement strategy by first identifying the key interests and needs of your [target audience]. Create a content plan that addresses these interests and promotes active participation. Use multiple channels for outreach and maintain consistent, authentic interactions. Measure engagement through metrics and adjust strategies based on feedback and performance. How will you tailor your approach to build a vibrant, engaged community?

Target audience: Educators with side hustles


Community Engagement Strategy for Educators with Side Hustles

Identifying Key Interests and Needs

  • Interests:
    • Email marketing tips
    • Content creation strategies
    • Sales techniques
    • Time management
    • Networking opportunities
    • Success stories
  • Needs:
    • Practical, actionable advice
    • Resources for balancing teaching and business
    • Tools and templates
    • Inspiration and motivation
    • Peer support and collaboration

Content Plan

  1. Blog Posts:
    • "10 Time Management Tips for Educator Entrepreneurs"
    • "How to Create Compelling Content for Your Side Hustle"
    • "Boosting Sales: Strategies for Educators"
  2. Social Media Posts:
    • Quick tips and tricks
    • Inspirational quotes and success stories
    • Interactive polls and questions
  3. Videos:
    • Short tutorials on email marketing
    • Interviews with successful educator entrepreneurs
    • Step-by-step guides for using content creation tools
  4. Newsletters:
    • Weekly tips and resource roundups
    • Highlights of community achievements
    • Upcoming events and webinars

Channels for Outreach

  • Social Media:
    • LinkedIn: Professional networking and article sharing
    • TikTok: Short, engaging videos with quick tips
    • Twitter: Real-time updates and community engagement
  • Email:
    • Regular newsletters with valuable content
  • Webinars and Live Events:
    • Interactive Q&A sessions
    • Guest expert talks

Maintaining Consistent, Authentic Interactions

  • Engage Regularly:
    • Respond to comments and messages promptly
    • Participate in discussions and encourage peer-to-peer interaction
  • Show Authenticity:
    • Share personal experiences and challenges
    • Be transparent about successes and failures

Measuring Engagement and Adjusting Strategies

  • Metrics:
    • Social media engagement (likes, shares, comments)
    • Newsletter open and click-through rates
    • Webinar attendance and participation
    • Feedback surveys and polls
  • Adjust Based on Feedback:
    • Analyze performance data regularly
    • Adjust content topics and formats based on what resonates most with the audience
    • Incorporate community suggestions and requests

Tailored Approach to Building a Vibrant, Engaged Community

  1. Focus on Value: Ensure all content is valuable and relevant to the educators' side hustle needs.
  2. Encourage Interaction: Create opportunities for community members to interact, share experiences, and support each other.
  3. Provide Consistent Content: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep the community engaged and returning for more.
  4. Foster Inclusivity: Make everyone feel welcome and valued, encouraging diverse voices and perspectives.

By focusing on these elements, you can build a dynamic and supportive community for educators with side hustles, promoting active engagement and continuous growth.


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(click the answer that best fits)


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EDUcreator Club Newsletter

Helping educators create and grow brands to promote a product or idea they want to share with others to better education. Tips, tricks, and resources for educators creating content and/or launching side hustles to share their passions.

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