Finding your team.


Hey Reader,

This stuff is hard.

There, I said it. I know I've said it before somewhere, and I'm certain you have thought it, but the reality is, this thing you're trying to's hard.

And sometimes, it's really hard.

Whether you're launching a side hustle, building a business, or still trying to figure out what your creator and/or entrepreneurial venture is going to be, the journey can be lonely, challenging, frustrating, stressful, and can feel downright impossible at times.

This is hard. Don't do it alone. Find your team.

To be clear, when I say "team" I am not referring to hiring employees. While that might be something you need to consider, hiring employees or independent contractors (freelancers), or even finding yourself a partner or two, there are a lot of ways to build yourself a team.

There are also different types of teams you need. There are two specific ones I want you to think about.

1. Your emotional support team.

This can consist of your friends, family, or colleagues who you keep updated and who understand what you're trying to do and are there to cheer you on, pump you up when needed, and support you primarily in an emotional way.

2. Your business support team.

This is where a mentor or coach could come in, or a community or mastermind. You need to surround yourself with people who are on (or have been on) the same journey as you. People you can turn to for targeted advice and specific needs.

Note: Your business support team can also be a great part of your emotional support team.


I'll say it again, and continue saying it as much as you need me to - What you're trying to do is hard. You don't need to do it alone...and you shouldn't try to.

Find your team.

If you're having trouble finding your team, hit 'reply' and let me know. I'd love to help if I can.

I hope this helps
- Jeff & The Teach Better Team

🎧 What we're listening to:

⚑️Things to Check Out

βœ… CTA: Ask Your Audience to Do Something

  • CTA stands for call to action.
  • For you, those three letters stand for an opportunity to move your audience along their journey with your content brand. (we talked about this a couple weeks ago)
  • Here are five things to do to use CTAs effectively: Evaluate the options, Add CTAs to your content, Craft succinct CTAs, Use common language with a twist, Track your CTAs and get an AI assist.
  • πŸ‘‰ Read the full article here.​

πŸ’‘ 8 Copywriting Hacks Backed by Science

  • Write concrete copy.
  • Anchor your claims.
  • Don't hide effort.
  • Be very specific.
  • Present tense persuades.
  • Almost always alliterate.
  • Don't fear negations.
  • Second person pronouns.
  • πŸ‘‰ Read the full article here.​

πŸ“ˆ 10 advanced strategy ideas for Google Ads

  • PPC (Pay Per Click) advertisers must take a strategic and nuanced approach to campaign management to stay ahead of the competition.
  • At SMX Advanced, PPC experts Sarah Stemen and Christine Zirnheld, senior digital marketing manager at Cypress North, shared their top actionable recommendations to help you create better-targeted ads, manage ad spend effectively and run more successful ecommerce and B2B campaigns.
  • πŸ‘‰ Read the 10 key takeaways from their session.​


EDUcreator Club+ Community

A Community for Educators Who create

The EDUcreator Club+ Membership gives you access to a community of educators who create content, products, and services to help others increase their impact. The EDUcreator Club+ Membership was built to provide a space for learning, growing, and supporting each other.

Creating & building can get lonely sometimes. Don't do it alone.

What's included:

  • Private Community: An active community with hundreds of posts and conversations where educators come together to request feedback, collaborate on new ideas, and support each other as we all work to create and share content that provides value to others.
  • Exclusive Events: Join exclusive events, designed to provide you with relevant information and access to world-class content creators and creator economy experts.

Curated Content & Resources: We're curating the best tools, resources, and opportunities related to creating valuable content. Inside, you'll find community challenges, self-paced courses, discounted resources, and more, all easily accessible to you!​

The EDUcreator Club Newsletter is made possible by our awesome partners. Please consider supporting them. Note: While we may receive a small affiliate fee for any purchases made via the below link, we will never recommend a product, service, or brand we do not believe in.



This one is a 3-step process:

  1. What Are The {X} Most Popular Sub-topics Related To {Topic}?
  2. What Are The {X} Most Popular Sub-topics Related To {Sub-topic}?
  3. List Without Description The Top {X} Most Popular Keywords For The Topic Of {X}

You can even go further, having Chat GPT break it down into longtail keywords, or even into the top semantically related keywords. For today, we'll stick with the three here.


What Are The {X} Most Popular Sub-topics Related To {Topic}?


What Are The {X} Most Popular Sub-topics Related To {Sub-topic}?


List Without Description The Top {X} Most Popular Keywords For The Topic Of {X}


Here are the prompts I used. You can see the responses I got below.

Prompt #1: What Are The 25 Most Popular Sub-topics Related To starting a side hustle?

Prompt #2 (using one of the sub-topics provided): What Are The 10 Most Popular Sub-topics Related To Balancing a side hustle with a full-time job?

Prompt #3 (using one of the sub-topics provided from Prompt #2): List Without Description The Top 25 Most Popular Keywords For The Topic Of Prioritization techniques

From this, I know have 25 keywords that I can work with to optimize my content, website, blog posts, podcast episodes, videos, social media posts, etc.


Prompt #1: What Are The 25 Most Popular Sub-topics Related To starting a side hustle?

RESPONSE: Here are 25 popular sub-topics related to starting a side hustle:

  1. Identifying profitable ideas
  2. Market research
  3. Business planning
  4. Time management
  5. Balancing a side hustle with a full-time job
  6. Legal considerations
  7. Financial planning and budgeting
  8. Branding
  9. Marketing strategies
  10. Social media marketing
  11. Content creation
  12. Building a website
  13. SEO strategies
  14. Email marketing
  15. Networking
  16. Sales techniques
  17. Customer service
  18. E-commerce platforms
  19. Freelancing
  20. Passive income streams
  21. Scaling a side hustle
  22. Outsourcing tasks
  23. Work-life balance
  24. Motivation and mindset
  25. Success stories and case studies

These sub-topics cover a wide range of aspects crucial for starting and growing a successful side hustle.

Prompt #2 (using one of the sub-topics provided): What Are The 10 Most Popular Sub-topics Related To Balancing a side hustle with a full-time job?

RESPONSE: Here are the 10 most popular sub-topics related to balancing a side hustle with a full-time job:

  1. Time management tips
  2. Prioritization techniques
  3. Creating a schedule
  4. Setting boundaries
  5. Productivity hacks
  6. Maintaining work-life balance
  7. Delegation and outsourcing
  8. Self-care and stress management
  9. Leveraging weekends and evenings
  10. Long-term planning and goal setting

These sub-topics address the challenges and strategies for effectively managing a side hustle alongside a full-time job.

Prompt #3 (using one of the sub-topics provided from Prompt #2): List Without Description The Top 25 Most Popular Keywords For The Topic Of Prioritization techniques


  1. Prioritization matrix
  2. Time blocking
  3. Eisenhower box
  4. ABC analysis
  5. Pomodoro technique
  6. Task batching
  7. Time management
  8. Goal setting
  9. Pareto principle
  10. To-do list
  11. Urgent vs. important
  12. Daily planning
  13. Weekly planning
  14. Monthly planning
  15. Task ranking
  16. Focus management
  17. Delegation
  18. Time tracking
  19. Work-life balance
  20. SMART goals
  21. Kanban board
  22. Project management
  23. Productivity tools
  24. Time optimization
  25. Workflow management

From this, I know have 25 keywords that I can work with to optimize my content, website, blog posts, podcast episodes, videos, social media posts, etc.


What parts of this newsletter do you get the most value out of? ​
(click the answer that best fits)


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EDUcreator Club Newsletter

Helping educators create and grow brands to promote a product or idea they want to share with others to better education. Tips, tricks, and resources for educators creating content and/or launching side hustles to share their passions.

Read more from EDUcreator Club Newsletter

Hey Reader, This stuff is hard. Whether you're launching a side hustle or growing a business, or even just starting to dabble in the world of content creation or entrepreneurship, this journey can be lonely, stressful, and take a toll on your mental and physical health. I've been starting and growing businesses for over 20 years now, and to say I have forgotten about my health from time to time would be the understatement of the decade. It's tough - when you love what you're doing, when...

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