Bonus email - Check out this podcast episode.

Hey Reader,

I know this is not the day I usually send emails, but this is a special "bonus" email.

I was recently honored to join Darrin Peppard on his "Leaning Into Leadership" podcast and I wanted to share the episode with you. Darrin is a member of our MBA Mastermind Program, and one of the original Founding members of our EDUcreator Club+ Community.

Along side being an experience educator and educational leader, Darrin has also built an impressive educational consulting/training business.

In the episode, we dive into a bit of the backstory behind our EDUpreneur Masterminds and the EDUcreator Club+ Community, as well as a lot of the things that have helped both our businesses grow.

I think there is a lot of value in this, so I wanted to share.

Big shoutout to Darrin! Make sure to give him a follow and subscribe to the podcast.

>>Watch on YouTube<<

>>Listen on Apple Podcasts<<

I hope this helps
- Jeff & The Teach Better Team

2250 Lynnwood Drive, Stow, OH 44224
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Helping educators create and grow brands to promote a product or idea they want to share with others to better education. Tips, tricks, and resources for educators creating content and/or launching side hustles to share their passions.

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