4 types of posts you should be creating.

Hey Reader,

I wanted to take a super simple, short-and-sweet approach to this week's email. I don't usually do "short" very well, so here we go.

Regardless of what you're trying to build - a new side hustle, a full-time hustle, a movement, etc - there are 4 types of social media posts/tweets/videos you should be creating.

  1. Awareness Posts: Make people aware of the problem you solve.
  2. Elaboration Posts: Dive deeper into the problem. Make them really feel it and connect to you around it.
  3. Community Posts: Showcase you and/or your clients/community.
  4. Action Posts: Ask them to leave social and take action. This could be to read a blog post, watch a video, download something, or make a purchase.

So I want to challenge you - and honestly, challenge myself....so challenge us both - to take a look at the types of content we're putting out there. Do a sort of audit of your content. Are you hitting all 4 types? Are you too heavy on one or another? Do you struggle to create a specific type? etc, etc,

Dig into your content, past, present, and planned, and categorize it into these 4 types of posts.

I'd love to hear where the majority of your content falls, how diverse your posts are, and if this sparks any new ideas

Hit 'reply' and let me know!

I hope this helps
- Jeff & The Teach Better Team

🎧 What we're listening to:

⚡️Things to Check Out

💡 How to promote YouTube videos for free: 18 tips for more views and subscribers.

  • Thinking of introducing YouTube into your creator marketing strategy?
  • You’ll need to learn how to promote YouTube videos and grow your subscriber base.
  • Check out these 18 tips for getting more views and subscribers.
  • 👉 Read the full article here.

🎉 The Single Predictor of Success

  • Success is more strongly linked to grit than to intelligence or talent, with perseverance and passion for long-term goals being key predictors of achievement.
  • It’s not about who’s the smartest or the most talented. It’s about who keeps going when things get tough.
  • Grit isn’t just about working hard. It’s about sustained effort, the kind that persists despite obstacles, failures, and plateaus.
  • 👉 Read the full article here.

📈 Top 5 On-Page SEO Hacks to Boost Your Blog Traffic

  • Creating excellent content is only half the battle.
  • So, writing good content is just the first step; you don’t necessarily need an SEO degree to optimize your content for search engines.
  • Follow these five simple on-page SEO hacks to optimize your writing and boost your blog traffic.
  • 👉 Read the full article here.


EDUcreator Club+ Community

A Community for Educators Who create

The EDUcreator Club+ Membership gives you access to a community of educators who create content, products, and services to help others increase their impact. The EDUcreator Club+ Membership was built to provide a space for learning, growing, and supporting each other.

Creating & building can get lonely sometimes. Don't do it alone.

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  • Private Community: An active community with hundreds of posts and conversations where educators come together to request feedback, collaborate on new ideas, and support each other as we all work to create and share content that provides value to others.
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Keeping this one simple as well. You can use AI for this if you want, but you can also just take a look at your blog, YouTube, and social media analytics.

Find your 5-10 top performing (most views, likes, shares, etc) pieces of content - or ideas/themes - and create new content around them.

This new content could be different vantage points, digging deeper into a thought, or just saying the same thought again, but in a different way.

Sometimes the best way to create new content is to look at your old content.

Happy creating!


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EDUcreator Club Newsletter

Helping educators create and grow brands to promote a product or idea they want to share with others to better education. Tips, tricks, and resources for educators creating content and/or launching side hustles to share their passions.

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