Where's your audience at❓

Hey Reader,

Do you ever think about what point of the journey your audience is at?

Let me clarify - by "point" I mean, what stage, level, period, segment, interval, milestone, etc.

And the journey I'm referring to, is the path people take to go from "I just discovered you" to "I support everything you do!"

However you describe it, if you're currently working to build an audience with the hopes of some people in that audience eventually buying a product or service from you, you need to know where people are at and how to move them further along.

The Pyramid of Fandom

If you've read "Superfans" by Pat Flynn, this journey can look like his Pyramid of Fandom:

In this visualization of your audience's journey, people move from being a "Casual" fan, where they have just discovered you and might consume your content from time to time....to a "Superfan" where they not only love your content, support everything you do, but also buy from you and tell others about you.

This is a super-simple, easy to visualize, model for establishing the "stages" your audience moves through, but for some it's a little too simplified, and it doesn't specifically mention buying from you. (it's better with the book and Pat's words - get the book here!)

So here's a slightly more complex way to look at it. Well, not necessarily complex, but with a few more stages/levels.

NOTE: You can call this whatever you want: pyramid, path, journey, funnel, etc. I'm going to call it the Flow of Engagement

Flow of Engagement

  • Follower: Follows you on social media - This includes YouTube, your blog, etc.
  • Email Subscriber: Trusts you enough to give you their first name and email.
  • Engaged Subscriber: Actually opens your emails, and clicks on at least 25% of them.
  • Customer: Has purchased something, big or small, from you.
  • Fan: Tells other people about you. Supports the work you do.
  • Repeat Customer: Keep buying from you.
  • Superfan: Loves buying from you, supports everything you do, and tells everyone about you.

Your job as a creator, is to help guide your audience from one stage to the next. Help them "flow" through to the next stage.

Now, you might not care if people ever buy from you. That might not be a goal of yours, and that's okay - but they should still move toward the Fan and Superfan stages, just minus the purchases.

Regardless of what you're trying to build, if you have monetized of not, or if you ever plan to monetize, your job remains the same - Help people flow through those stages to become stronger supporters of your work.

How do we do this?

Well, first and foremost, we do it by creating valuable content that helps them and builds trust with our brand.

Then, we need to provide them with opportunities to flow to the next stage. What I mean by this is simply asking them to take action or offering them the chance to.

  • Each time you mention your email list on social media or in a YouTube video, you're asking them to flow from "Follower" to "Email Subscriber."
  • Every time you send an email, you're giving them the opportunity to flow into the "Engaged Subscriber" stage.
  • Any time you mention your product or service in an email or post, you're providing a chance for them to continue through that flow.
  • etc, etc, etc

If you've never thought of about this, it's okay. But I encourage you to lay out the flow people take with your brand. How do they move from Follower to Superfan, and what do the stops look like along the way?

Once you know what that looks like, the next step is determining where the majority of your audience is currently at, and creating opportunities for them to flow to the next stage.

Hit "reply" and let me know what your flow looks like. OR, if you want, click here to book some time and we can lay it out together.

I hope this helps
- Jeff & The Teach Better Team

🎧 What we're listening to:

P.S. Need help launching your podcast? Consider applying to be a part of the Teach Better Podcast Network.

⚡️Things to Check Out

🥳 1 Year of Threads

  • On July 5th, 2023, Meta launched Threads - It's Twitter competitor.
  • The app made an immediate splash, rocketing to 100 million users faster than any app in history.
  • What followed was a predictable but relatively brief decline. And then, a few months later, Threads began growing again.
  • Today, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that the app has now surpassed 175 million monthly users.
  • 👉 See the conversation with Threads chief Adam Mosseri here.

✅ Newsletters are Still Good for Creators Who Know How To Retain Subscribers

  • Beehiiv announced a $33M infusion in its newsletter platform.
  • Convert Kit’s 2024 State of the Creator Economy revealed newsletters/emails are the most popular content form as 58% of creators surveyed published them in 2023.
  • It sure seems like those who predicted the "newsletter boom" to be over last year, are wrong.
  • 👉 Read the full article here.

💰 Your Pricing Page Has One Job

  • The pricing page is typically the only page that tells you what you’re buying, how you can buy it, and what’s included.
  • It sounds simple, yet it’s easy to miss the mark, especially if you optimize for the wrong things.
  • Unfortunately, many do in the pursuit of growth. They try to push you to buy a particular plan (that you probably don’t need) or obscure how pricing works (just to get you in the door).
  • When you push someone to buy more than they need or mislead them about how much they’ll pay, they’re more likely to churn.
  • Focus on ensuring your pricing page answers one question above all else—and does so quickly and clearly: How much will this cost me?
  • 👉 Read the article here.


EDUcreator Club+ Community

A Community for Educators Who create

The EDUcreator Club+ Membership gives you access to a community of educators who create content, products, and services to help others increase their impact. The EDUcreator Club+ Membership was built to provide a space for learning, growing, and supporting each other.

Creating & building can get lonely sometimes. Don't do it alone.

What's included:

  • Private Community: An active community with hundreds of posts and conversations where educators come together to request feedback, collaborate on new ideas, and support each other as we all work to create and share content that provides value to others.
  • Exclusive Events: Join exclusive events, designed to provide you with relevant information and access to world-class content creators and creator economy experts.

Curated Content & Resources: We're curating the best tools, resources, and opportunities related to creating valuable content. Inside, you'll find community challenges, self-paced courses, discounted resources, and more, all easily accessible to you!

The EDUcreator Club Newsletter is made possible by our awesome partners. Please consider supporting them. Note: While we may receive a small affiliate fee for any purchases made via the below link, we will never recommend a product, service, or brand we do not believe in.


Create Your Mission & Vision Statements

Brainstorm with ChatGPT to create a mission and vision statement.


You are the marketing manager at a small business, maybe even just a solo business owner. You need to create a strong mission statement and vision statement. What are the questions you need to ask yourself, or others, in order to craft these statements?


No need to change the prompt. But you might consider asking Chat to clarify some of the questions, or share your answers to each and then ask it to craft the statements for you.


Creating a strong mission statement and vision statement involves deep reflection and understanding of your business's core purpose, values, and long-term goals. Here are the key questions to ask yourself or others to craft these statements:

Questions for Crafting a Mission Statement:

  1. Purpose and Core Values:
    • What is the primary purpose of my business?
    • What core values drive my business?
    • Why did I start this business?
  2. Products and Services:
    • What products or services do we offer?
    • How do these products or services fulfill the needs of our customers?
  3. Target Audience:
    • Who are my primary customers or clients?
    • What problems or needs do they have that my business addresses?
  4. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):
    • What makes my business unique or different from competitors?
    • How do I add value to my customers' lives?
  5. Business Goals:
    • What are the short-term and long-term goals of my business?
    • What do I hope to achieve on a daily basis?
  6. Impact and Contribution:
    • How does my business positively impact the community or industry?
    • What contribution do I want my business to make?

Questions for Crafting a Vision Statement:

  1. Future Aspirations:
    • What do I envision my business achieving in the next 5-10 years?
    • What are my long-term goals and aspirations for the business?
  2. Business Growth:
    • How do I see my business growing or evolving over time?
    • What new markets or opportunities do I want to explore?
  3. Impact and Legacy:
    • What kind of impact do I want my business to have on the industry and community in the future?
    • What legacy do I want my business to leave behind?
  4. Innovation and Development:
    • What innovations or advancements do I foresee for my business?
    • How do I plan to stay ahead of industry trends and changes?
  5. Success Metrics:
    • How will I measure the success of my business in the future?
    • What benchmarks or milestones will signify that I've achieved my vision?
  6. Customer Relationships:
    • How do I envision my relationship with customers evolving?
    • What level of customer satisfaction and loyalty do I aim to achieve?

By answering these questions thoroughly, you can craft mission and vision statements that are clear, compelling, and aligned with your business’s core values and long-term goals.


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EDUcreator Club Newsletter

Helping educators create and grow brands to promote a product or idea they want to share with others to better education. Tips, tricks, and resources for educators creating content and/or launching side hustles to share their passions.

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