Should you hire a coach❓

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Do you have a support system in place for your EDUpreneur business?

The EDUpreneur journey is not an easy one. It's a lot of work to build a business, especially if you're building while still full-time in your classroom or building. And it can get lonely.

You should not do it alone. Build a support system for yourself.

This system can consist of a lot of things. Friends and family members can be a big piece of this support system or support team. If you trust them, you can share some of the more "inner working" details of your business with them, so they can better understand the challenges you face and help you stay accountable and break through struggles.

You can also find this support in a mastermind or accountability group with others on similar journeys.

But what if you don't have friends or family members that fit well in this role? And what if your mastermind group is great, but doesn't give you quite enough personal attention for your business's needs?

This is where a business coach comes in. One-on-one coaching can be life-changing and take your business to a whole new level.

1. A business coach can help you find your gaps in knowledge and skills, and support you as you work to close those gaps.

The truth is, you don't know what you don't know. Being able to recognize your gaps, and adjust to close them, is one of the most essential skills entrepreneurs need in order to succeed. But if we can't see them because we are too "in the weeds" of our business, we'll never be able to close them.

2. A business coach can be a guide.

A coach can be your compass, helping you steer your business in the right direction. As your business grows, even the slightest adjustments in direction can lead to incredible things. Unfortunately, it's harder to see the opportunities to make these little changes when you're head down in the day-to-day of your business.

3. A business coach will help you recognize and break through self-imposed limitations.

Let's face it, we tend to doubt ourselves. Imposter syndrome is real. As much as we want to fight it, it's tough to keep those negative voices out of our heads. And when your business runs into failures or setbacks, that self doubt can destroy your belief in what you're doing.

A coach can help you recognize the causes of this negative energy, work through the challenges, and get you back to your "why" so you and your business can get back on track.

4. A business coach will help you stay accountable.

They'll be someone who has an intimate understanding of your business and your goals, and what you need to achieve them.

A lot of times, the primary role of a coach is simply to be your accountability partner. When we need to have some serious self-reflection, get through a project we're struggling with, or need help implementing a new habit, knowing that we have to share our progress (or lack of) with someone else, it is powerful.

Having that partner to ask you how it's going, discuss why you're not progressing, and work with you to be better, can be the difference between success and failure on a massive scale.

5. A business coach will help you overcome failures, challenges, and roadblocks by offering an outside perspective with new ideas and tactics.

We tend to get into a routine that works for us, and stay there. But the truth is, just because it works for you does not mean it's the best for you.

A coach can help you see new habits, methods, systems, and routines that work for others, and provide you with the guidance to test them and implement those that make sense for you.

6. A business coach will help you to work ON your business, not just IN it.

We tend to get so deep into the day-to-day tasks of our businesses that it can be difficult to see opportunities, bottlenecks, and bigger picture things we should be working on. Having an outside perspective can not only help us see these things but also remind us to work on them consistently as well.

Wrapping It Up

The fact is, a good business coach can be the difference between seeing success or not, or the difference between building a nice side hustle and creating the business you dream of. A coach can help you get started, restart after a setback, or elevate your business to the next level.

Do I coach EDUpreneurs like you? Yes, I do, and it's one of the best parts of my job.

Does that mean I'm the right coach for you? I have no idea. It's possible. The only real way to know would be to connect and chat about it. What I do know is this: If you don't need a coach, I'll be the first to tell you that. And if you do need a coach, but I'm not the right fit. I'll be the first to tell you that as well. If you think you might be ready for one, click here and book us some time to chat. Worst case, we can just talk about your work and get to know each other.

I hope this helps.
- Jeff

🎧 What I'm listening to:

⚡️Things to Check Out

💻 YouTube Courses is Live

  • YouTube is following Spotify and has release courses on the platform.
  • You need to be fully monetized in order to use the feature.
  • Revenue from courses is split 70/30, with the 70% going to the creator. (This is significantly lower than most course platforms, BUT there is no upfront or ongoing fees, you just split the revenue)
  • 👉 See the Tweet from Roberto Blake here.

💰 How to Advertise on Facebook in 2024

  • Whether you’re a pro Facebook marketer or a relative newcomer, knowing how to advertise on Facebook is a skill that’ll always come in handy.
  • This 8-step guide from Hootsuite covers everything from "What are Facebook ads?" to how to set up and launch your first (or next) ad.
  • Check out the guide here.

📈 7 things you can do with AI...beyond just talking to it.

  • With the success of chatbots like AI, Claude, and Gemini, there’s a good chance you think that generative AI is only good for chatting and yapping away.
  • But AI actually has many more uses than that if you know what you’re doing.
  • Here are seven ways you can use AI instead of just treating it like that friend you text all the time.
  • 👉 Read the article here.


EDUcreator Club+ Community

A Community for Educators Who create

The EDUcreator Club+ Membership gives you access to a community of educators who create content, products, and services to help others increase their impact. The EDUcreator Club+ Membership was built to provide a space for learning, growing, and supporting each other.

Creating & building can get lonely sometimes. Don't do it alone.

What's included:

  • Private Community: An active community with hundreds of posts and conversations where educators come together to request feedback, collaborate on new ideas, and support each other as we all work to create and share content that provides value to others.
  • Exclusive Events: Join exclusive events, designed to provide you with relevant information and access to world-class content creators and creator economy experts.

Curated Content & Resources: We're curating the best tools, resources, and opportunities related to creating valuable content. Inside, you'll find community challenges, self-paced courses, discounted resources, and more, all easily accessible to you!

The EDUcreator Club Newsletter is made possible by our awesome partners. Please consider supporting them. Note: While we may receive a small affiliate fee for any purchases made via the below link, we will never recommend a product, service, or brand we do not believe in.


Create an outline for your next online course.


You are tasked with designing a professional online course centered around [COURSE TOPIC]. The goal of this course is to provide comprehensive and practical knowledge to learners who are interested in [COURSE TOPIC]. Your task is to outline the structure, content, and learning objectives of this course.

Course topic:


You are tasked with designing a professional online course centered around [COURSE TOPIC]. The goal of this course is to provide comprehensive and practical knowledge to learners who are interested in [COURSE TOPIC]. Your task is to outline the structure, content, and learning objectives of this course.

Course topic: Email Marketing


Course Title: Mastering Email Marketing

Course Overview: The Mastering Email Marketing course is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of email marketing. From understanding the fundamentals to implementing advanced strategies, this course covers everything a professional needs to know to create effective email campaigns, build subscriber lists, analyze performance metrics, and optimize results.

Course Structure:

  1. Introduction to Email Marketing
    • Understanding the importance of email marketing
    • Overview of email marketing platforms and tools
    • Legal and ethical considerations (GDPR, CAN-SPAM Act)
  2. Building and Growing Your Email List
    • Strategies for acquiring subscribers
    • Designing and implementing opt-in forms
    • Segmentation and personalization techniques
  3. Creating Compelling Email Content
    • Writing effective subject lines
    • Crafting engaging and relevant content
    • Incorporating multimedia (images, videos) into emails
  4. Email Design and Layout
    • Best practices for email design
    • Responsive design principles
    • A/B testing for optimizing design elements
  5. Automating Email Campaigns
    • Introduction to email automation
    • Setting up automated workflows
    • Trigger-based and drip campaigns
  6. Analyzing Email Campaign Performance
    • Key metrics to track (open rates, click-through rates, conversions)
    • Interpreting analytics data
    • Using data to optimize future campaigns
  7. Optimizing Email Deliverability
    • Factors affecting email deliverability
    • Strategies to improve deliverability rates
    • Managing spam complaints and unsubscribes
  8. Advanced Email Marketing Strategies
    • Behavioral targeting and segmentation
    • Personalization at scale
    • Integration with other marketing channels (social media, content marketing)

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of email marketing and its role in digital marketing strategies.
  • Build and grow an engaged email subscriber list using ethical and effective methods.
  • Create compelling email content that drives engagement and conversions.
  • Design visually appealing and responsive email templates optimized for various devices.
  • Implement email automation to streamline campaigns and improve efficiency.
  • Analyze email campaign performance metrics and use data-driven insights for optimization.
  • Improve email deliverability rates and maintain a positive sender reputation.
  • Apply advanced email marketing strategies such as behavioral targeting and personalization.

Course Format:

  • Video lectures with real-world examples and case studies
  • Interactive quizzes and assignments to reinforce learning
  • Practical exercises for hands-on experience
  • Discussion forums for collaboration and sharing insights
  • Instructor-led webinars for Q&A sessions and deeper discussions

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of digital marketing concepts would be beneficial but not required. This course is designed for beginners as well as professionals looking to enhance their email marketing skills.

Certification: Upon successful completion of the course and passing the final assessment, learners will receive a certificate of completion, validating their expertise in email marketing.

This course aims to empower learners with actionable knowledge and practical strategies that they can apply to achieve success in their email marketing endeavors.


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2250 Lynnwood Drive, Stow, OH 44224
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EDUcreator Club Newsletter

Helping educators create and grow brands to promote a product or idea they want to share with others to better education. Tips, tricks, and resources for educators creating content and/or launching side hustles to share their passions.

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